Keep On Shining


The days have gotten quite dark lately with everything going on in the world right now. This virus has turned everything upside down, it has stopped the people in their tracks and it has made our sanity question itself time and time again. Its not easy for anyone. We are all frightened and we are all exhausted from the constant state of worry and panic. There doesn’t seem to be an end, yet we’re all looking out our windows hoping for the day when our lives will begin again.

Will things change? Will we be nicer towards one another? Will we act differently? Whats the outcome of all of this? What has this taught us?

I think we will know once it’s over, once we can take a deep calming breath and feel alive once more. Not only is this painful and scary for us who are locked in…but for those who are locked out. Those who NEED to be out and helping around. The care they receive daily isn’t good all the time and some are in dire need. Will we treat them the same after all this is over? So many thoughts. So many questions. What will happen?

You say you were grateful for what we do
Us standing on the front lines fighting through and through
But it’s you who are the lucky ones who are thankful
That are not sacrificing your lives you say we are the first lineman
First to see the sick
First to trust you because your paychecks are much more thick but I tell you now These people that work hard
And bust their ass for a simple days work
Just for a simple thank you that we know you don’t mean
Just to be forgotten until the next clean
And it starts over again with supervisors and managers that pretend to understand you
But whether we like it or not we are on a different wave link
We will never see eye to eye
So I say in just a few words if I get sick I promise you
You can count on me to pass it on to you
Have a heart don’t lie tell us the truth no human is that evil but I could be wrong if I Got paid as well as you
You can bet I’d be running this country better than you
people with money are using it wrong they should be giving it back and proving us wrong
So I have to sit here and write this song about people like you that control us all
Yes it’s true I don’t vote and shouldn’t have a say
But hey it’s America
And with that being said I can say f***  you and have a pleasant day go ahead you’ll Be fine I’ll be right by the door on speed dial with the truth and a lie and death on My conscience just for a dime
It’s OK it’s safe no mask needed no gown to
No gloves no goggles just my word that should be good enough for you do what You’re told bring home the gold but I ask myself is it worth it should I do what I’m told
Even though it’s wrong
Bringing home the sickness to whom I adore
It’s wrong it’s not right
I should do what I do best and fight.

Author Unknown

I believe the worst thing in life is the ultimate unknown. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, we won’t know what will happen within the next hour. The only thing that matters is the look and smiles on your loved ones face. The laugh of your child, the way a crisp juicy apple tastes, the sweet melodies or drum beats of your most favorite song. The little things we took for granted…they mean everything now and perhaps when this is over they still will.


All we can do is have faith, look out and see the sunshine and be thankful for the time we have now. Among all this, I believe in goodness and happiness and to keep on shining.

Remember you’re important, you’re loved and you mean all the world.

